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How People Get Demons

From one extreme to the next. It is true that some are too quick to consider almost everything a demon, but it just as true that some consider practically nothing a demon. Jesus, the greatest scholar, revealed that demons exist, inhabit people, can be cast out by Himself, and those with faith in Him. He taught about them, and there are numerous Biblical accounts of Him directly dealing with varying forms of demonic influence on people.

As much as I wish it weren’t the case, demons are still around, and keep people in bondage. We must not only know how to deal with them, but teach people how to avoid getting them in the first place. And since Jesus taught about them, may we break the worldly taboo of teaching about them? Demons prefer the status-quo, because it allows them to operate under the radar. May the light expose the darkness. And may we walk like Yeshua, to give Him glory.



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