What the world needs are disciples who proclaim the gospel in the way Yeshua did: With a personal touch of reconciling the hearer with the Father. But the only way this was possible, was through the divine revelation and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Peter was known as sent by God through the signs that accompanied his preaching. What if we can also see what Yeshua saw, if we do what He did?
The Gospel is Free, And Sets Free!
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The Power of Words of Knowledge – Reaching the Unreachable
- May 13, 2023
- Rise on Fire
How can someone be baptized in the Holy Spirit, yet not “keep Torah”? – Live Q&A’s
Why Christians Misuse ‘Let No One Judge You’ on Feasts and Sabbaths
What kills God’s enemies, saves God’s people: Shadrach, Meshach, and the Baptism of Fire
Sickness/Pain caused by Buried Emotions: A Key to Deliverance from Trauma & Hidden Burdens
Jesus ‘Fulfilled’ the law? – The Matthew 5 Controversy | PD w/ David Wilber
The Great Distraction?
The Millennial Reign of Christ: In-depth look and Live Q&A’s
The Division between ‘Torah Keepers’ and the Church, is ‘Lord’ Baal?, God’s silence – 10 Qs w/ PD
A blind man helped me see – Reframing Healing & Suffering