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The Counterfeit Feast

Christmas is here – the central feast of Christian celebration, celebrating the birth of Jesus. And Jesus is worthy of our celebration all days of the year. But what are the feasts that God called His people to according to the Bible? And have we celebrated our own inventive traditions *at the cost* of the Biblical feasts given by our Father in the Bible?

This is not a video about the pagan backgrounds of Christmas. But rather a deeper consideration of whether our priorities of feast-keeping align with the Father’s, whether we celebrate Christmas or not. And ultimately, how we ought to act in the midst of the disagreements that plague households in this season.



3 thoughts on “The Counterfeit Feast”

  1. This is such a sensitive subject with the true Christians that believe in it. The luke warm people who call themselves christians but their fruit says differently they are the ones to putup a fight to anything we have to say. I pray for the right words to say to the true believers who are caughtup in these types of holidays.

  2. There is a need to come out of Christian Babylon, but also a need to come out of Jewish Babylon.
    There is a smal way in between. The people of Ha Derech where the original believers that not were blinded bij Rome and not were blinded bij the relegious Jews, that followed their own tradition.

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