New Events: PD in Tennessee, Texas & Georgia in the next month

PD is scheduled to speak in TN, TX and GA in the next month, as God permits. If you are nearby, considering joining us in worship of the King!

Select an event for more information:

Feb 23-24 (Nashville, TN)
March 1-3 (Lindale, TX)
March 16 (Ellijay, GA)

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5 thoughts on “New Events: PD in Tennessee, Texas & Georgia in the next month”

  1. William Livingstone

    Ah PD, we want to ask “when will you be coming to Florida?” (Can we tempt you with lots of nice sunshine and warm weather?) But alas, we don’t have a fellowship and we don’t anyone know who can sponsor you here. Anyway, will be praying for you guys to have good turnouts at these venues. May Abba Bless your efforts! Blessings from William and Ana

  2. William Livingstone

    PS – forgot to mention, we just watched Jim Staley’s YouTube about Covenant (part 1). Have a listen to it if you have not already, it is excellent! (I don’t agree with his saying about we are Levites as we are in the Melchizedek order, but I overlook that and the rest of the teaching is really great – prayer is were it’s at!) That is what it focuses on. Shalom, William

  3. Dear PD,
    I have been aware of your ministry since before you wrote your book and moved to the U.S. and found it very inspiring. However, I have felt great hesitation since your ministry turned “Messianic,” much because I had almost stepped into wrong teachings — rabbi’s teachings rather than God’s teachings — when going in that direction. I have waited, checking in on you on and off, for some word that I could relax. Maybe I just haven’t listened to the right video, (to be honest I have not listened to many), but I still do not know the answer to this question I have of you: DO YOU BELIEVE THAT WE WHO ARE NOT NECESSARILY OF “JEWISH” DESCENT BUT WHO ARE TRUE BELIEVERS IN JESUS CHRIST ARE THROUGH GRAFTING PART OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL? I do believe this, and it pains me to hear people preach otherwise. I’ll admit that is why I have not listened to many of your videos, for fear you see God — Yah, the Father — having a different plan for descendants of those who lived in the Holy Land thousands of years ago than He has for those of us aware of no such roots. Are you even able to give me a yes or no answer to this question? (For this is all I require.) God bless! Michele

    1. Hi Michele. Thanks for asking. To answer your question, I absolutely believe that all who truly believe in Jesus are grafted into Israel. We become part of Abraham’s offspring through Jesus. No, you do not need to be Jewish. This is one of our core beliefs.

      Hope that answers your question. Blessings – PD

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