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Are the Jews in Israel not real Jews? – The Rothschilds & Khazars

The war in Israel sparked big questions:
1. Did the Rothschilds create the modern state of Israel: A move of man instead of a prophetic move of God?
2. Who is living in Israel today: Are the Jews in Israel not real Jews? Some say they are the ‘Khazars’ instead.

Should Christians be supportive of the Jewish people? Join PD in this in-depth study of the origin & validity of these theories, to get to the truth of the matter.



1 thought on “Are the Jews in Israel not real Jews? – The Rothschilds & Khazars”

  1. Thank you so much, PD, for your research, biblical exposition and stand for the truth of who Israel truly is and for the prophecies truly unfolding in the land. We are facing these same winds of doctrine blowing in our congregation that has influenced far too many of us. May your ministry equip the saints and help bridge the terrible separation between Ephrayim and Yehudah.
    Another front I’m dealing with is to ask the question Paul asked “What advantage then has the Jew?” (Rom 3:1). Because of the doctrines delegitimizing the Jews as we know them, the answer would largely be – “Not much. Anyone called a ‘Jew’ and anything considered ‘Jewish’ is largely a disadvantage to the body of Messiah Yeshua.” The only advantages I’ve heard recognized are 1. The Messiah came through their lineage. 2. The Hebrew text has been preserved for us. Many say that nothing that the scribes and Pharisees, nothing that rabbinic Jews have to say should be followed. Do you have teaching(s) on this subject?

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